Toyotarou’s Journey: From Fan Artist to Dragon Ball Super Illustrator

Being a Dragon Ball fan all my life, I remember when I first saw Toyotarou’s fan art. His drawings and manga stood out because of the unique way he showed the characters we all love. I was amazed and wondered where his talent would lead him. Now, he is the illustrator for the official Dragon Ball Super manga, a dream come true.

Toyotarou’s Journey

Toyotarou, once known as Toyble, worked hard on his art. He made fans’ favorite Dragon Ball AF story. Shueisha, who publishes Weekly Shonen Jump, noticed his work. They liked it so much that they let him work directly with Dragon Ball’s creator, Akira Toriyama.

His journey to becoming a pro wasn’t easy. Some fans criticized him, but he didn’t give up. Toyotarou’s love for the series and his getting better at his art won over Toriyama and Shueisha. Now, he is the official artist for Dragon Ball Super, doing a job he loves with skill and creativity.

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Thinking about Toyotarou’s path fills me with admiration. His experience shows that hard work and sticking to your dreams pays off. It tells us to never give up, no matter the obstacles. Toyotarou not only made Dragon Ball better but also inspired many others to follow their creative dreams just like he did.

Passionate Beginnings: From Fan Art to Recognition

Toyotarou loved the Dragon Ball series from a young age. Captivated by Akira Toriyama’s world, he made fan art and manga. One of his best works was Dragon Ball AF, a sequel to Dragon Ball GT. It introduced a new character, Xicor, who was Goku’s son.

Dragon Ball AF became well-known on fan forums. It was especially talked about due to the mystery of Super Saiyan 5. This story made Toyotarou stand out as a talented artist and writer.

Early Life and Passion for Dragon Ball

Toyotarou was a big fan of Dragon Ball. He loved the characters, the world-building, and the fights created by Akira Toriyama. This excitement led him to start creating his own fan art and manga.

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Becoming a Fan Artist: Dragon Ball AF

Toyotarou’s big project was Dragon Ball AF. It was a sequel to Dragon Ball GT that he made come to life. His version focused on Xicor, a new character. Fans loved his fresh take on the famous series and were especially intrigued by Super Saiyan 5.

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The Legend of Super Saiyan 5

Super Saiyan 5 was a transformation many fans debated about. Toyotarou brought this mystery to life in his Dragon Ball AF story. This addition got fans more excited about the Dragon Ball series, helping Toyotarou become more well-known.

Catching Shueisha’s Attention

His work on Dragon Ball AF caught the attention of Shueisha. They publish the popular Weekly Shonen Jump manga. Impressed by his talent, they gave him a job on the Super Dragon Ball Heroes manga. This was a big step for Toyotarou from being a fan artist to a professional.

Toyotarou’s Journey: Rising from Fan to Pro

Toyotarou went from fan artist to pro illustrator on Dragon Ball Super. Shueisha loved his work on the manga Super Dragon Ball Heroes. He got to test his skills by illustrating two pages of Dragon Ball Super. Shueisha approved his test, and Toyotarou began working with Akira Toriyama.

Working on Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Shueisha noticed Toyotarou’s cool fan art and manga, like Dragon Ball AF. They saw he was talented and offered him a chance. This test was a big deal, leading to Toyotarou working with Akira Toriyama on Dragon Ball Super.

The Test Run: Illustrating Dragon Ball Super

Illustrating Dragon Ball Super was a tough but rewarding challenge for Toyotarou. Shueisha liking his art showed they trusted him to get the Dragon Ball feel right. Working on these two pages got Toyotarou closer to working with Akira Toriyama.

Collaborating with Akira Toriyama

Working with Akira Toriyama was a game-changer for Toyotarou. Toriyama helped him see Dragon Ball in a new light. Even with some fan criticism, Toyotarou’s art kept getting better. His hard work and love for the series won Toriyama and Shueisha’s trust, making him the new artist for Dragon Ball Super.

toyotarou, dragon ball super, manga illustration


Toyotarou went from a fan artist to a Dragon Ball Super illustrator thanks to his passion and hard work. Starting with fan creations, like Dragon Ball AF, he got noticed by Shueisha. They loved his work on Super Dragon Ball Heroes. So, he got to work with Akira Toriyama on Dragon Ball Super.

Fans sometimes criticize Toyotarou’s art, but it’s getting better. His love for the series and hard work are noticed by Toriyama and Shueisha. Toyotarou’s journey shows us that big dreams can come true. He is key to Dragon Ball’s future success.

As new Dragon Ball series, like Dragon Ball Daima, appear, Toyotarou’s art will be vital. His way of capturing the series’ spirit helps keep fans hooked. Toyotarou’s dedication and deep knowledge will surely elevate the franchise. Fans worldwide can look forward to his creative and unique contributions.

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