10 Dragon Ball Plot Twists That Will Blow Your Mind!

Are you a big Dragon Ball fan like me? If so, you know the thrill of shocking plot twists. The series always surprises us with unexpected turns and powerful moments. It’s what keeps us glued to our screens. Beyond the legendary battles and Super Saiyans, Dragon Ball Super brought twists that stunned us. In this list, we’ll cover 10 of the most incredible plot twists in the Dragon Ball world.

1. The Return of the Cell Juniors

Cell Juniors
Cell Juniors

Cell, a major villain from Dragon Ball, shocked fans by bringing back the Cell Juniors during the Cell Games. Fans thought these tiny terrors were history until Dragon Ball Super’s extra manga chapter revealed their return. Once again, the Cell Juniors are causing chaos in the Dragon Ball world.

2. Bonus Chapter, Bonus Story (Sign Of Son Goku’s Awakening)


In the bonus chapter “Bonus Story (Sign Of Son Goku’s Awakening)”, Goten and Trunks face a new threat. They end up battling a group of Cell Juniors on Monster Island. This story brings back memories of the original Cell Saga. It’s a unique way to reintroduce these tough enemies, even if it’s just a side story.

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3. Buu’s Transformation From Fat to Fit in Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball often surprises us with character changes. One big change happened during the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super. Goku asks “Good Buu” to join Universe 7’s team, and fans were amazed. This buu transformation revealed how Buu could change from fat to fit simply by training hard.

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This twist showed us more about Good Buu. It demonstrated his ability to get into amazing shape. Even though it didn’t change the overall story much, fans loved seeing Buu’s slimmed-down physique.

4. Uub’s Role in Defeating Moro


Uub’s status in Dragon Ball is unique and not used much. At the end of Dragon Ball Z, he appears as Kid Buu’s good side. Though he was set to be a disciple of Goku, this doesn’t happen soon because of the storyline’s timing. Dragon Ball Super manages to weave Uub into its plot during a confrontation with Moro, a fierce foe.

Also Read: Vegeta’s Redemption Arc: How the Prince of Saiyans Became a Fan-Favorite

5. Chapter 66, “Moro, Consumer Of Worlds

In “Moro, Consumer Of Worlds”, Uub’s energy becomes key in Goku’s victory over Moro. Even though Uub’s moment is short, fans were excited about his significant role. Uub’s special energy from the Grand Supreme Kai within Majin Buu helps Goku achieve a powerful form. This changes the Dragon Ball story in a big way.

Some fans were not happy with Goku training with Uub rather than being with his family. However, Uub having energy from a god makes Goku’s decision meaningful. It hints at more of Uub’s story in future Dragon Ball Super episodes, likely increasing his importance.

6. Black Frieza’s Dominance

Frieza is known as one of Dragon Ball’s greatest enemies. He often challenges the good guys. In the manga’s Chapter 87, he makes a shocking return during a big fight.

Everyone is stunned when Frieza easily beats Gas, a strong villain, in just one hit. This shows his new form, “Black Frieza”.

Frieza says he got this powerful after 10 years of hard training. Now, he’s much stronger than Goku and Vegeta. This twist in the story puts Frieza at the top of the power scale.

7. Chapter 87, “The Universe’s Strongest Appears

Goku vs Frieza
Goku vs Frieza

Frieza’s power boost has amazed fans. He is now much stronger than the series’ main heroes. This makes him the strongest character in the Dragon Ball universe.

With this new power, Frieza’s role in the story becomes critical. Everyone is excited to see what comes next.


Being a big fan of the Dragon Ball series, I just love how it keeps surprising me. It brings back old enemies, introduces new powers, and changes characters in amazing ways. This keeps me hooked.

Some highlights include the return of Cell Juniors and Buu shrinking. Another exciting part is seeing Uub and Frieza help in big fights. Then, there’s Vegeta’s Ultra Ego, a fresh power-up that stunned everyone. Dragon Ball always finds ways to keep the story exciting.

While not every twist is perfect, the risks the series takes are what fans love. I’m eagerly waiting to see the next big thing in Dragon Ball. Its ability to surprise and satisfy fans is unmatched. I can’t wait to see the new turns in the story.

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