Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, the franchise that stole our hearts with its tale of nine unique idols, is gearing up for its grand finale. We’re talking about a movie trilogy, people! Titled Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Dōkōkai Kanketsu-hen (which translates to “Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club: Conclusion”), this three-part series will be the ultimate send-off for the anime’s story.
To get us pumped, the official website just dropped a brand-new trailer for the first film! It looks like our favorite idol group is heading to sunny Okinawa, and there’s a whole lot of singing, dancing, and friendship brewing. The trailer also hints at a new challenge: the “School Idol GPX” contest.
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Here’s the twist – this competition throws a curveball by having idols compete individually instead of by school, with performances being broadcast through an app. Looks like our Nijigasaki girls will have to push their solo skills to the limit!
But wait, there’s more! The Nijigasaki love doesn’t stop at the movies. The franchise is also getting a brand new manga titled “Hangyaku no Nijigasaki” (which translates to “Nijigasaki of Rebellion”). Penned by the artist Choboraunyopomi, this manga is set to debut on the franchise’s official Twitter account on July 5th. So, mark your calendars and get ready to dive into a whole new Nijigasaki adventure!
To tie things together before the movie drops, there’s also a prologue coming our way on June 28th on the LoveLive!Days app. This little appetizer should help quench your thirst for Nijigasaki goodness while we wait for the first film to hit theaters on September 6th.
Here’s the thing to remember: this trilogy is the culmination of everything we’ve seen in the previous two anime seasons and the “Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club Next Sky” OVA. The main cast and staff are all returning, so you can expect the same level of quality and heart that we’ve come to love from the franchise.
So, there you have it! Get ready to celebrate the Nijigasaki girls as they take on new challenges, forge even deeper bonds, and light up the stage in this epic movie trilogy. With a new manga and a prologue on the way too, there’s plenty to keep any Nijigasaki fan happy! September can’t come soon enough!