Top 9 Times Monkey D. Luffy Proved He’s the Best Captain in One Piece

Monkey D. Luffy, the main character of One Piece, is one of the most exciting and unique captains in anime. He’s got some questionable leadership skills, but man, does he care about his crew! Let’s dive into five times Luffy showed he’s the best captain ever.

1. Invading Enies Lobby for Robin

One of the most epic moments in One Piece is when Luffy and the Straw Hats invade Enies Lobby to save Robin.

one piece: monkey d luffy

Up to this point, the Straw Hats mostly fought other pirates. But Luffy decided to take on the World Government itself to save his friend. That’s huge!

He didn’t care about the risks or the consequences; he just wanted to save Robin. He even burned the World Government flag, making a statement that he was ready to go to war for his crew. This showed how much Luffy values his friends and that he would go to any lengths for them.

2. Not Retaliating Against Bellamy

During the Jaya arc, Bellamy taunts and torments Luffy, but Luffy doesn’t throw a single punch. This is shocking because, until then, Luffy was known for picking fights with anyone, even his own crew members.

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One Piece

But in this moment, he showed incredible maturity by holding back. This trait, which he adopted from Shanks, proves how wise Luffy can be as a captain. Sometimes, knowing when not to fight is just as important as knowing when to fight.

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3. Telling Nami to Break the Mirrors on the Sunny

During the Whole Cake Island arc, Luffy fights Katakuri in the Mirror World while Katakuri’s sister, Brulee, tries to burn the Sunny by shooting fire arrows through mirrors.

One Piece: Nami
One Piece: Nami

Luffy quickly realizes the danger and orders Nami to break every mirror on the ship, even though it means he won’t be able to leave the Mirror World.

He put their safety above his own, proving once again that he’s a captain who truly cares about his crew’s well-being.

4. Making Usopp Apologize

After the events of Enies Lobby, Usopp wants to rejoin the Straw Hat crew. But there’s a catch: Usopp had left the crew after a heated dispute and had been disrespectful to Luffy. Taking Zoro’s advice, Luffy insists that Usopp apologize before he can rejoin.

This was a tough decision for Luffy because they’re friends, but he knew it was necessary. It showed that Luffy takes his role as captain seriously and that respect within the crew is crucial.

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5. Ordering a Retreat at Sabaody

Luffy is not one to back down from a fight, so it was surprising when he ordered his crew to retreat during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. The Straw Hats were outnumbered by marines, Kuma cyborgs, and even Admiral Kizaru.

Luffy realized they were in over their heads and told his crew to fall back. This showed Luffy’s self-awareness and growth as a captain. He understood that sometimes, running away is the best option to protect his crew and fight another day.

6. Standing Up to the Celestial Dragons

One of the most unforgettable moments in One Piece is when Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon at Sabaody Archipelago. These guys are basically untouchable, and attacking them brings the full wrath of the Marines.

But when Luffy sees his friend, Hatchan, get shot by one of these arrogant nobles, he doesn’t hesitate. Luffy’s punch shows he won’t stand for injustice, no matter the consequences. He’ll protect his friends no matter what, even if it means going up against the world’s most powerful forces.

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7. Trusting His Crew’s Decisions

A great captain trusts his crew, and Luffy exemplifies this perfectly. During the Water 7 arc, the Going Merry, their beloved ship, is deemed unrepairable.

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Luffy makes the hard decision to get a new ship, even though it’s heartbreaking. Usopp disagrees and leaves the crew over this. Despite the emotional turmoil, Luffy trusts his decision and the crew’s support. This trust and willingness to make tough choices show Luffy’s strength as a leader.

8. Rallying the Allies at Dressrosa

Luffy’s ability to inspire and lead extends beyond his immediate crew. At Dressrosa, he gathers a coalition of allies to take down the warlord Doflamingo. From the gladiators of the Colosseum to the Tontatta Tribe, Luffy brings together a diverse group to fight for a common cause.

His charisma and determination motivate others to follow him, even into the most dangerous situations. This event shows that Luffy’s leadership extends far beyond his own crew, proving he’s a captain others are willing to fight for.

9. Protecting Fish-Man Island

Luffy’s promise to protect Fish-Man Island from any threats shows his commitment to his allies and his strong sense of justice. After defeating Hody Jones and his crew, Luffy declares that Fish-Man Island is under his protection.

Protecting Fish-Man Island
Protecting Fish-Man Island

This declaration isn’t just bravado; Luffy genuinely cares about the island’s inhabitants and their future. By promising to protect them, Luffy shows his dedication to making the world a better place and standing up for those who can’t fight for themselves.

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