Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of the legendary Naruto series, is working on a brand-new manga. But hold on, don’t get too excited just yet because it might be a while before we get to see it.
Naruto is one of the most popular anime and manga series ever created. It’s part of what fans call the “Big 3” alongside One Piece and Bleach. Naruto has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide, and even today, the story continues with Boruto: Two Blue Vortex.
But here’s the thing: after years of focusing on the world of ninjas, Kishimoto is taking things a bit slower. In a recent interview with Mikio Ikemoto, the illustrator for Boruto, Kishimoto shared that while he’s got some new ideas brewing, he’s also thinking about his family.
Kishimoto mentioned that spending time with his family is really important to him right now. He also said that moments with his fans are special, and these are what inspire him to create new stories. But balancing work and family isn’t easy, especially after working so hard on Naruto for so many years.
Creating manga and anime is tough work, with long hours and tight schedules. It can be stressful, not just for the creators but also for their families. Since Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is now on a monthly schedule, Kishimoto finally has some time to breathe and relax with his loved ones.
So, while it’s exciting to know that Kishimoto has something new in the works, we’ll have to be patient. He’s taking his time, and that’s okay. After all, good things come to those who wait!