6 Things You Should Never Say to a Dragon Ball Fan, According to Experts

Hey there! So, you’ve got a Dragon Ball fan in your life, or maybe you are one yourself. Whether you’re a casual viewer or you’ve been around since the days of Dragon Ball Z, you know that this series is more than just a show—it’s a way of life! But, there are some things you just shouldn’t say to a Dragon Ball fan, and today, I’m here to give you the lowdown. Trust me, you don’t want to start a debate you can’t finish. Let’s dive in!

1. Isn’t Goku Just a Dumb Fighter?

Dragon Ball Z: Goku
Dragon Ball Z: Goku

Alright, let’s clear this up. Goku may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but calling him dumb is a massive understatement. Sure, he’s not winning any awards for academic prowess, but his fighting spirit, loyalty, and heart are what make him a legend. He’s faced off against gods, aliens, and everything in between. So, if you think Goku’s just some dumb guy punching stuff, you might want to rethink that statement.

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2. Dragon Ball Z Is Just a Bunch of Filler Episodes

Beast Gohan vs Cell Max
Beast Gohan vs Cell Max

Hold up! Let’s not discredit the series here. Sure, there are some episodes that might feel like they’re just dragging on, but that’s part of the charm! The filler episodes often give us some of the best character development and hilarious moments. Plus, without those episodes, we wouldn’t have some of the iconic scenes that have become part of the Dragon Ball legacy. So, next time you want to throw shade on the filler, remember that they’re part of what makes Dragon Ball Z, well, Dragon Ball Z.

3. Vegeta Is Just a Sidekick to Goku

Goku vs Vegeta
Goku vs Vegeta

Oh, buddy, you’re stepping on some serious fandom toes here. Vegeta might have started as a villain, but calling him a sidekick to Goku is just plain wrong. Vegeta’s journey is one of the most compelling in the series. From his pride and stubbornness to his growth as a character, Vegeta is a powerhouse in his own right. Without Vegeta, Dragon Ball wouldn’t be the same. So, respect the Prince of All Saiyans!

4. Isn’t Dragon Ball Just for Kids?

Alright, this one is a big no-no. Dragon Ball has some of the most complex storylines, incredible fight scenes, and deep character arcs that appeal to people of all ages. Sure, it started as a fun adventure with some quirky humor, but it has evolved into a series that tackles themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. So, saying Dragon Ball is just for kids is like saying Shakespeare is just for English class.

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5. The Animation Is So Outdated

Look, we all know Dragon Ball has had its ups and downs with animation quality. But the heart and soul of the series shine through, no matter what. The original animation has a nostalgic charm, and even the newer series have their moments of stunning visuals. Every frame, every fight scene, is a piece of anime history. So, let’s give some props to the animation that has given us some of the most iconic moments in anime history.

6. Why Do You Watch That? It’s Just Filler and Fights

Alright, buckle up! Dragon Ball is more than just endless battles and flashy moves. It’s about the characters, the struggles they face, and the bonds they form. The fights are just the cherry on top. The series is packed with moments that make you laugh, cry, and cheer. So, if you think it’s just filler and fights, you’re missing out on the essence of what makes Dragon Ball so special.

Wrapping It Up

So, there you have it. If you ever find yourself chatting with a Dragon Ball fan, keep these points in mind. Respect their passion, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get to see why Dragon Ball has stood the test of time. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or just dipping your toes into the Dragon Ball universe, there’s something here for everyone. Now, go on and enjoy the saga of Saiyans, androids, and all things Dragon Ball. And remember, no shade on Goku’s smarts or Vegeta’s pride, okay? Let’s keep the fandom friendly!

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