Dragon Ball: Vegeta's Path from Villain to Saiyan Prince

The Saiyan Prince

– Vegeta is the proud Saiyan Prince from Planet Vegeta. – Born into royalty, he carries a fierce pride and ambition. – His journey begins as a ruthless villain seeking power and immortality.

From Villain to Anti-Hero

– Vegeta first appears as a cold, ruthless enemy in the Saiyan Saga. – He fights Goku and the Z Fighters, showing off his immense strength. – Defeat by Goku sparks his relentless drive to become stronger.

The Namek Saga

– On Planet Namek, Vegeta seeks the Dragon Balls to become immortal. – He forms uneasy alliances with the Z Fighters against common foes. – These battles mark the start of his transition from villain to anti-hero.

The Goku Rivalry

– Vegeta's rivalry with Goku pushes him to new limits. – This rivalry drives his relentless training and quest for power. – Vegeta’s character is shaped by his desire to surpass Goku.