The Mars Chronicle manga, written by Yukito Kishiro, has finally resumed after a 10-month break. The 52nd chapter was published on Tuesday on Kodansha’s Comic Days app. This marks the first new chapter since March 2024, and it’s an exciting update for readers who’ve been waiting patiently.
What Happened During the Break?
In early 2024, Kishiro shared that he had completed chapters 47 to 51 of the manga. These chapters were released between January and March of that year. Afterward, the manga went on a hiatus, leaving fans eagerly awaiting its return.
In November, Kishiro made another big announcement. He revealed that he had finished the 56th and final chapter of the Mars Chronicle series. But here’s the twist—this isn’t the end of the story! Kishiro confirmed that Alita’s journey will continue under a new series title later this year.
A Little About the Manga
Mars Chronicle is part of the Battle Angel Alita universe, a series loved by fans worldwide. It follows the cyborg Alita (also called Gally in the original version) as she travels to Mars to uncover her origins and find the truth about herself. The series started in April 2014 in Kodansha’s Evening magazine.
After Evening ended its publication in 2023, the manga moved to Kodansha’s Comic Days app. Over the years, the series has gained a loyal fanbase, thanks to its deep story and unique characters.
English Releases and More
For fans outside Japan, Kodansha USA Publishing has been releasing Mars Chronicle in English since February 2018. The 10th volume of the series will hit shelves on February 18. This volume is already out in Japan, where it was published in April 2024.
The Battle Angel Alita series has a long history. The original manga ran from 1990 to 1995 and inspired multiple spin-offs, including Last Order and Ashen Victor. It also led to a live-action film adaptation by James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez, which debuted in 2019 and became a global hit.
What’s Next for Alita?
With the Mars Chronicle series now back on track, fans can look forward to more thrilling chapters. And with a new series planned, it seems like Alita’s story is far from over. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the world of Battle Angel Alita, now is a great time to dive into this amazing saga.
Stay tuned for more updates about Alita’s adventures on Mars and beyond!
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