On Monday, Studio Chizu and director Mamoru Hosoda announced a new anime film titled Scarlet (Japanese: Hateshi naki Scarlet, meaning Scarlet Without Limits). This exciting project marks Hosoda’s first film in four years, following the release of Belle in 2021.
The film is set to debut in winter 2025.The film’s producer, Yūichirō Saitō, revealed that Scarlet will feature worldwide distribution.
TOHO will handle the film’s release in Japan, while Sony Pictures will distribute it internationally. Notably, Sony Pictures has also invested in the project, planning to bring the film to U.S. audiences in winter 2025.
Scarlet centers around a strong princess named Scarlet who embarks on a journey across space-time. This narrative promises to blend action and romance, offering a fresh experience for viewers.
Hosoda is not only directing the film but also writing the screenplay and is credited with the original concept. In a statement, Hosoda emphasized that Scarlet will not adhere to traditional 2D animation or Hollywood-style CG. Instead, he aims to achieve a completely new look for the film.
He also mentioned that this project will have a different feel compared to his previous works, which include The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, Wolf Children, The Boy and The Beast, and Mirai. This announcement has sparked great anticipation among anime fans.
Since “The Girl Who Leapt Through Time,” Hosoda’s films have typically premiered in Japan during the summer.
However, “Scarlet” breaks this trend by being scheduled for a winter release.As the production progresses, fans are eager to see how Hosoda will innovate within the anime medium.
With its unique premise and ambitious vision, Scarlet is poised to be a landmark film in Hosoda’s illustrious career.