50+Underrated Anime Series You Need to Watch Now

As an anime fan with years of experience, I have seen countless series, from the most popular to the hidden gems. Today, I want to share with you some underrated anime that deserve more attention.

These series may not have made it to the mainstream, but they offer unique stories, fascinating characters, and unforgettable moments. Whether you’re new to anime or a seasoned viewer, these picks will expand your horizons and bring fresh excitement to your watchlist. Here are the underrated anime series you need to watch now.

Psychological and Thriller Anime

If you’re into the mind-bending and the spine-chilling, these psychological and thriller anime are a must-watch. They delve deep into the human psyche, exploring fears, mysteries, and the dark corners of the mind. 

From supernatural horror to psychological drama, these shows will keep you on the edge of your seat, questioning reality and sanity. 

Also Read: How Code Geass Became a Game-Changer in Anime

Get ready for twisted plots, intense atmospheres, and unforgettable characters that will haunt your thoughts long after the credits roll.

Paranoia Agent

Paranoia Agent
Paranoia Agent

“Paranoia Agent” is a mind-bending ride by the genius Satoshi Kon. It follows a series of bizarre assaults by a boy with a golden baseball bat. 

As the story unfolds, detectives try to piece together the connection between the victims. This show dives deep into the fears and anxieties of modern society, blending reality with surrealism in a way only Kon can pull off. It’s a masterpiece that leaves you questioning what’s real and what’s not.

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Darker Than Black

Darker Than Black
Darker Than Black

“Darker Than Black” is a dark, action-packed series set in a world where mysterious gates have appeared, giving people supernatural powers. The protagonist, Hei, known as the Black Reaper, is a Contractor with a deadly secret. The series is a perfect blend of sci-fi, mystery, and action, with a dark and gritty atmosphere that’ll keep you hooked. It’s a fascinating exploration of what it means to have power and the cost of using it.

Also Read: 5 Must Watch Anime Movies Similar to Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba

Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain
Serial Experiments Lain

“Serial Experiments Lain” is a surreal trip into the intersection of reality and the virtual world. It follows Lain, a shy girl who starts to lose her grasp on reality as she delves deeper into the Wired, a digital universe. The series is a labyrinth of cyberpunk aesthetics and philosophical musings, questioning the nature of identity, consciousness, and reality itself. It’s a cult classic that’s as confusing as it is compelling.

Also Read: Behind the Scenes: How Demon Slayer’s Animation Became a Visual Masterpiece

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion

“Neon Genesis Evangelion” is a cornerstone of anime, blending mecha action with deep psychological drama. It follows Shinji Ikari, a reluctant pilot of a giant robot, as he battles mysterious beings known as Angels. Beneath the action lies a profound exploration of depression, isolation, and the human psyche. This series is not just about saving the world; it’s about understanding the complexities of the human mind. It’s a heavy, thought-provoking journey that’s as challenging as it is iconic.

Hell Girl

Hell Girl
Hell Girl

“Hells Girl” is a dark and eerie series where people can send their tormentors to hell by using a mysterious website. The twist? They have to sign a contract, which means their soul is also doomed. Each episode tells a new, chilling story, exploring themes of revenge, justice, and the supernatural. It’s a haunting look at human nature and the price of vengeance.



“Kemonozume” is a wild and unique ride, blending horror, romance, and action. It centers around a forbidden love between a human and a monster hunter. The animation style is avant-garde, making the series visually stunning and strange. It’s a bizarre tale that’s both beautiful and terrifying, pushing the boundaries of what anime can be.

91 Days

91 Days
91 Days

“91 Days” is a gripping tale of revenge set during Prohibition-era America. It follows Angelo Lagusa, who seeks vengeance against the mafia family that murdered his family. The series is rich with tension, drama, and a dark, moody atmosphere. It’s a gripping story of loss, revenge, and the darkness within the human soul.

MARS RED (2021)


This series is directed by Kouhei Hatano and Shinya Sadamitsu.

“MARS RED” is a unique blend of vampire lore and historical drama set in 1923 Japan. The story follows a special military unit tasked with dealing with a vampire outbreak. It’s a stylish, action-packed series with a dark, atmospheric tone. The characters are complex, and the storyline is rich with intrigue and supernatural elements, making it a must-watch for fans of both horror and historical fiction.

Tomodachi Game (2022)

Tomodachi Game
Tomodachi Game

This series is directed by Hirofumi Ogura.

“Tomodachi Game” is a psychological thriller that delves into the dark side of friendship and trust. It follows a group of friends who find themselves trapped in a game of trust and betrayal, where the stakes are life and death. The series is intense, with twists and turns that keep you guessing until the very end. It’s a thrilling exploration of human nature and the lengths people will go to for money and survival.

Slice of Life and Drama Anime

Slice of Life and Drama Anime
Slice of Life and Drama Anime

Slice of life and Drama anime is like a warm cup of cocoa on a rainy day. They don’t have flashy battles or supernatural powers, but they hit you right in the feels. These series dive deep into the everyday struggles, joys, and heartaches of life, making you laugh, cry, and think about the world a little differently. They’re the kind of shows that stay with you, like a good book or a favorite song. Let’s dive into some of the best that the genre has to offer.

Daily Lives Of High School Boys

Daily Lives Of High School Boys
Daily Lives Of High School Boys

“Daily Lives of High School Boys” is an absolute gem. It’s a hilariously absurd look at the mundane and bizarre moments of high school life. From quirky characters to outrageous situations, this show is a riot. It’s like a slice-of-life anime on steroids, with its over-the-top comedy and heartwarming moments. Each episode is a whirlwind of laughs and bizarre antics, making it a must-watch for anyone who loves their anime with a side of weirdness.

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou

“Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou,” or “His and Her Circumstances,” is the perfect mix of romance and drama, with a dash of comedy. It’s like watching a soap opera with a high school twist. The story revolves around two high-achieving students who hide their insecurities behind their perfect façades. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with hilarious misunderstandings and heartfelt moments. This show nails the awkwardness of teenage love and the struggle to be oneself, making it a timeless classic.

My Roommate is a Cat (2019)

My Roommate is a Cat
My Roommate is a Cat

“My Roommate is a Cat” is the kind of show that sneaks up on you and makes you fall in love. It’s a heartwarming tale of a reclusive writer and his quirky cat. The anime beautifully captures the bond between Subaru and Haru, blending comedy, drama, and moments of pure, unfiltered emotion. It’s not about grand adventures or epic battles; it’s about finding solace and companionship in the most unexpected places. This show will make you laugh, cry, and wish you had a cat of your own[1].

After School Dice Club (2019)

After School Dice Club
After School Dice Club

Directed by Kenichi Imaizumi

“After School Dice Club” is the kind of anime that proves you don’t need dragons or mechas to have an epic story. This series is all about a group of high school girls who bond over board games. It’s sweet, it’s simple, and it’s surprisingly deep. The show explores themes of friendship, strategy, and the joy of a good game. It’s a refreshing take on the slice-of-life genre, proving that sometimes, the simplest stories are the most compelling. Directed by Kenichi Imaizumi, it’s a hidden gem that’s as cozy as a game night with friends.

Stars Align (2019)

Stars Align
Stars Align

Directed by Kazuki Akane and Yuuichi Takahashi

“Stars Align” is a powerhouse of emotion and drama, directed by the talented Kazuki Akane and Yuuichi Takahashi. It tells the story of a high school tennis club struggling to stay afloat. The characters are raw, the struggles are real, and the story is nothing short of captivating. It’s a series that tackles themes of family, ambition, and the pressure to succeed with a poignancy that hits you right in the gut. Every episode is a whirlwind of emotions, making it a must-watch for anyone who loves a good, heartfelt drama.

Fantasy and Supernatural Anime

Fantasy and supernatural anime are the dreamlands of the anime world, where magic, mythical creatures, and ethereal realms blend seamlessly with our reality. These shows are a wild ride through the unknown, mixing the mystical with the mundane in ways that are nothing short of enchanting. Let’s dive into some of the most captivating entries in this genre.

Gugure! Kokkuri-san

Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Gugure! Kokkuri-san

“Gugure! Kokkuri-san” is a riotous blend of comedy, mystery, and the supernatural. It’s like a wacky, ghostly sitcom where a young girl gets tangled up with a fox spirit who wants to be her guardian. The quirky characters, bizarre situations, and hilarious interactions make this show an absolute blast. It’s a must-watch if you’re in the mood for something light-hearted with a sprinkle of the supernatural and a dash of heart.



“Mushi-Shi” is a masterpiece of serene storytelling and subtle magic. This show is like a soothing balm for the soul, following Ginko, a traveler who encounters strange, ethereal creatures called Mushi. Each episode is a self-contained tale, rich with mysticism and introspection. It’s the kind of anime that pulls you into its tranquil world, leaving you with a sense of wonder and a deep appreciation for the delicate balance of nature and the supernatural[1].

Moribito: Guardian Of The Spirit

Moribito: Guardian Of The Spirit
Moribito: Guardian Of The Spirit

“Moribito: Guardian Of The Spirit” is an epic tale of adventure and duty, steeped in rich lore and breathtaking landscapes. The story follows Balsa, a warrior tasked with protecting a young prince possessed by a malevolent spirit. The series is a stunning blend of action, drama, and the mystical, with every episode packed with gripping battles and heartfelt moments. It’s a journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat, all while marveling at its intricate world-building and profound storytelling.

Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari (2023)

Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari

Directed by Ryuichi Kimura

“Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari” is a dark and thrilling addition to the supernatural genre. Directed by Ryuichi Kimura, this series dives deep into the world of spirits and curses. It follows a young man who can see and interact with spirits, leading to a series of chilling encounters and battles. The animation and atmosphere are top-notch, making every scene pulse with tension and excitement. If you’re looking for something that combines horror, action, and the supernatural in a compelling way, this is it.

Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence (2023)

Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence
Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence

Directed by Sumie Noro

“Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence” is a delightful blend of romance, drama, and the supernatural, directed by Sumie Noro. This series tells the story of Cecilia, a saint who finds herself caught in a web of divine and earthly intrigues, alongside Lawrence, a pastor with his own set of challenges. It’s a unique take on the supernatural romance genre, filled with intriguing characters and a plot that keeps you guessing. The blend of humor, heart, and the mystical makes this a refreshing watch that stands out in the crowded supernatural genre.

Action and Adventure Anime

The anime in the action and adventure genre each bring something unique to the table. From the epic sagas of Vikings and hidden treasures to twisted survival games and deep political dramas, there’s something here to stir the soul of any anime fan.

Vinland Saga (2019)

Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga

Directed by Shūhei Yabuta

Vinland Saga is a brutal masterpiece! Set in the Viking era, it’s like the ultimate saga of vengeance, with Thorfinn’s journey from a boy to a Viking warrior. This show doesn’t just tell a story; it hammers you with raw, unfiltered emotions and some of the best battle sequences ever animated. The character development is top-notch, and you’ll be glued to the screen, wondering how Thorfinn’s tale of bloodshed and redemption will unfold. The animation, directed by ShĹ«hei Yabuta, makes each fight scene a spectacle of sheer brutality and beauty.

Golden Kamuy (2018)

Golden Kamuy
Golden Kamuy

Directed by Shigeaki Kubo

Golden Kamuy is like a wild ride through Hokkaido, with the rugged landscapes and a treasure hunt that’s more thrilling than a roller coaster! Saichi Sugimoto and Asirpa’s dynamic is pure gold—pun intended. It’s a mix of history, culture, and insane action, with characters so quirky you’ll either love them or hate them. The details on Ainu culture and the sheer audacity of its plot make it a hidden gem. Shigeaki Kubo’s direction brings out the grit and glory of this crazy adventure, blending dark humor with raw survival instincts.

Plunderer (2020)


Directed by Hiroyuki Kanbe

Plunderer is like that wild cousin you never knew you had—crazy, chaotic, and absolutely unpredictable. Hiroyuki Kanbe’s direction turns every episode into a whirlwind of over-the-top action and fan service. The story’s a hodgepodge of eccentric characters, with a plot that’s as convoluted as it is compelling. It’s got the kind of energy that makes you question your sanity but keeps you hooked with its sheer audacity. The concept of numbers determining your fate is both genius and maddening!

Darwin’s Game (2020)

Darwin's Game
Darwin’s Game

Directed by Yoshinobu Tokumoto

Darwin’s Game is a dark, twisted game of survival where the stakes are life and death! Yoshinobu Tokumoto crafts a thrilling narrative that blends psychological horror with high-stakes action. The concept is brilliant—players with bizarre powers fighting to the death in a game where the rules are constantly changing. You’ll be on the edge of your seat, questioning the morality of the players and the game’s true mastermind. It’s like Squid Game with a supernatural twist, and you won’t be able to look away.

ĹŚoku: The Inner Chambers (2023)

ĹŚoku: The Inner Chambers
ĹŚoku: The Inner Chambers

Directed by Fuminori Kaneko

Ōoku: The Inner Chambers is a deep dive into an alternate Edo period where the Shogunate is ruled by women because of a mysterious disease that has decimated the male population. Fuminori Kaneko’s direction brings a poignant blend of drama and political intrigue, focusing on the delicate balance of power, love, and survival. It’s not your typical action anime; it’s a cerebral journey that challenges you to think about gender, power dynamics, and the essence of humanity. This isn’t just entertainment; it’s a narrative masterpiece.

Ping Pong The Animation

Ping Pong The Animation
Ping Pong The Animation

Ping Pong The Animation is a masterpiece that transcends sports anime. Masaaki Yuasa’s visionary direction transforms table tennis into a high-stakes, emotional rollercoaster. It’s not just about the game; it’s about the human spirit, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

The art style is unique, the animation is fluid, and every match is a feast for the eyes. You don’t need to be a sports fan to get hooked; you just need to appreciate great storytelling and stunning visuals. Ping Pong isn’t just anime; it’s an experience.

Mecha and Sci-Fi Anime

“Mecha and Sci-Fi Anime” is a genre that blends the futuristic and the fantastical with technology-driven storytelling. Mecha anime typically feature giant robots or machines, often piloted by humans, set against a backdrop of interstellar conflict, dystopian futures, or alternate realities. This genre has captivated audiences worldwide, combining high-stakes drama, intricate plots, and visual spectacle.



FLCL, or Fooly Cooly, is the chaotic symphony of anime. Directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki, this series is a whirlwind of surreal storytelling, overflowing with bizarre visuals and an electrifying soundtrack by The Pillows. It’s a coming-of-age tale wrapped in mecha madness, where the protagonist Naota’s mundane life is turned upside down by the enigmatic Haruko. Every episode is a fever dream, blending deep emotional currents with jaw-dropping, often nonsensical action. FLCL isn’t just an anime; it’s a visceral experience that punches you in the gut and leaves you wondering what just happened. If you’re looking for something that defies all conventions and leaves you in awe, FLCL is your go-to!

Last Exile

Last Exile
Last Exile

Last Exile, directed by Koichi Chigira, is a steampunk masterpiece that sails through the skies on a vessel of adventure and intrigue. The world-building is nothing short of spectacular, with its intricate airships and lush landscapes that make every frame a work of art. The story follows Claus and Lavie, two young pilots, as they get entangled in a high-stakes battle involving the mysterious “Exile.”

The blend of aerial combat, complex characters, and a plot that twists and turns keeps you on the edge of your seat. Last Exile is not just about flashy battles; it’s about the heart and soul of its characters, their dreams, and the unyielding spirit of adventure. Dive into this world and let the winds of fate carry you through its unforgettable journey.

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