Let’s talk about one of the craziest “what if” scenarios ever – what if Krillin actually killed Vegeta when he had the chance?!

Picture this: It’s the end of the Saiyan saga. Vegeta’s lying there all beat up, trying to escape in his pod. Krillin’s got Yajirobe’s sword, ready to end the Saiyan prince once and for all. But instead of listening to Goku and letting Vegeta go, Krillin goes through with it and takes Vegeta out!
Man, that one move would’ve changed EVERYTHING. No more Vegeta being a jerk but slowly becoming one of the good guys. No more epic Goku vs Vegeta fights. No baby Trunks! The whole story would be totally different.
I’ve been a huge DBZ fan since I was a kid, and I gotta say, as much as Vegeta annoyed me sometimes, the series wouldn’t be the same without him.
But it’s crazy to think how things might have played out if Krillin hadn’t held back that day.
Let’s break it down and see how the rest of DBZ might’ve gone if Vegeta bit the dust way back then…
Namek Saga
If Krillin had killed Vegeta, Goku and his friends would still have to go to Namek to bring their friends back to life. But there’s a twist – Goku might not trust Krillin to look after Gohan anymore because he killed someone. Maybe Yamcha would take over instead. That would be interesting!
Also Read: How Many Times Has Goku Died in Dragon Ball
Here’s the crazy part: without Vegeta to fight, how would Goku get strong enough to become a Super Saiyan?
But don’t worry – Goku is the best, and he would have found a way. Maybe he would have fought Dodoria and Zarbon instead. Plus, he would have had an extra Senzu bean for a big power boost!
The main point? Even if Vegeta wasn’t around, Goku would still have beaten Frieza. Let’s be honest, nothing can stop Goku!
Future Trunks Saga
Dude, this is where things get CRAZY! Without Vegeta, there’s no Trunks! Can you even imagine?

We’d have to call it the “Heart Virus Saga” or something lame like that.
Here’s the really shocking part – without Future Trunks, Goku would have died from that heart virus! No medicine, no warning, just… game over for our hero. That’s a scary alternate timeline!
And it gets even crazier. Without Trunks, no one would have warned them about the Androids! Earth would have been destroyed by robots. We’re talking total robot takeover!
It’s wild how one little change could mess everything up so badly. Makes you appreciate Vegeta a bit more, right? Even if he was a total jerk at first!
Also Read: Why Did Goku Give Cell a Senzu Bean?
Android Saga
Without Goku or Vegeta, Earth would be in deep trouble.
Imagine Gohan, Krillin, and the rest trying to take on the Androids by themselves. Talk about a beatdown! Even if Piccolo fused with Kami, they’d probably still get wrecked. And don’t even get me started on Cell – that bug dude would’ve had a field day!

The only hope? Maybe Gohan could’ve gone Super Saiyan 2 early. But without his dad around, that’s a long shot. Earth would’ve been toast, just like in Future Trunks’ timeline. Crazy to think how much Vegeta being alive changed things!
If Vegeta Had Died, Toriyama Would Have Found a Way
Even if Krillin had taken out Vegeta, Toriyama would have come up with something cool. That guy can make anything happen!
Maybe Yamcha would have become the new rival. Can you imagine Yamcha actually being important? Crazy!
What if Frieza turned good and joined the team? That would be nuts! The guy who blew up Planet Vegeta fighting with Goku? Huge plot twist!