10 Times Shonen Anime Nailed the Perfect Ending

As a big anime fan, I love getting lost in the exciting worlds of shonen anime, where we see amazing battles and heartwarming friendships. However, nothing beats the feeling of a series with a perfect ending.

Today, I’m excited to share 10 times shonen anime had perfect endings. These finales not only wrapped up the stories well but also left a lasting impression on fans. So, let’s jump to these unforgettable conclusions.

10. Naruto Shippuden: The End of an Era and the Beginning of New Journeys

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Naruto: Shippuden

Naruto Shippuden, a series that spanned over a decade, managed to deliver a conclusion that felt both satisfying and hopeful.

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Fans had been looking forward to the end fight between Naruto and Sasuke in the Valley of the End. After a very heated argument, they made up and stopped their long-running rivalry. Naruto was shown to be the Hokage and to be living a peaceful life in Konoha in the ending. This led to new experiences for Boruto. The ideas of friendship, sticking with something, and growth were all perfectly shown in this ending.

9. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: The Ultimate Sacrifice and Reward

The ending of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is often considered one of the best in anime history. After an epic battle with Father, Edward gives up his ability to do alchemy to bring his brother Alphonse back. This sacrifice highlights the series’ theme of equivalent exchange. The final scenes show the brothers living peaceful lives and chasing their dreams, giving a very satisfying closure. The mix of action, emotion, and deep ideas makes this ending unforgettable.

8. Dragon Ball Z: The Final Showdown and Peaceful Resolution

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Dragon Ball Z ended with an exciting fight between Goku and Majin Buu. Goku used the Spirit Bomb, with energy from all life on Earth, showing the series’ message of unity and strength in numbers.

After the fight, Goku wished for Buu to come back as a good person, and we met Uub. This gave fans hope and showed that new adventures were coming. The ending had the right mix of action, resolution, and promise for the future.

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7. Hunter x Hunter: Gon’s Reunion and the Open-Ended Adventure

Hunter x Hunter’s ending is both satisfying and open-ended, leaving plenty of room for future stories. Gon’s long-awaited reunion with his father, Ging, at the World Tree is a touching and emotional moment. Their conversation, reflecting on their journeys and what lies ahead, provides closure to Gon’s primary quest. However, the open-ended nature of their discussion and the vast world of Hunter x Hunter hints at countless adventures yet to come. This balance of resolution and potential makes the ending truly perfect.

6. Attack on Titan: The Price of Freedom and the Cycle of Hatred

The ending of Attack on Titan makes us think about the price of freedom and the cycle of hatred. Eren’s last battle with his friends and the tragic consequences make everyone face the harsh truths of their world. The scene where Mikasa buries Eren and the world deals with the aftermath is very sad and makes you think. This ending sticks to the series’ dark themes while giving a sense of closure.

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5. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Satisfaction of Complete Closure

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba ends with a rare feeling of complete closure. After the intense fight with Muzan Kibutsuji, the characters who survived are shown healing and moving on with their lives. The final scenes, set years later, show the descendants of the main characters living in a peaceful world without demons. This ending wraps up the stories of the characters we love and reinforces the themes of perseverance, family, and the fight for a better future.

4. Yu Yu Hakusho: The Return to Normalcy and a Promising Future

Yu Yu Hakusho’s ending is a heartfelt return to normalcy, with a promising future for its characters. After the final tournament in the Demon World, Yusuke returns to the human world to reunite with his friends and family. The series concludes with Yusuke and Keiko sharing a tender moment on the beach, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. This ending, with its focus on relationships and the simple joys of life, provides a satisfying conclusion to the action-packed series.

3. Death Note: The Climactic Battle of Wits and Moral Consequences

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Death Note

Death Note’s ending is a masterclass in delivering a climactic and morally complex conclusion. The final showdown between Light and Near brings the cat-and-mouse game to a tense and thrilling end. Light’s downfall, brought about by his own hubris and the relentless pursuit of justice by his adversaries, is a fitting conclusion to his dark journey. The series ends on a reflective note, questioning the nature of justice and the cost of power, leaving viewers with much to ponder.

2. Bleach: The Final Battle and Peace in Soul Society

Bleach’s conclusion brings peace to the Soul Society after the intense battles against Yhwach and the Quincy army. Ichigo’s final battle, showcasing his growth and the culmination of his powers, is a thrilling and satisfying conclusion. The epilogue, showing Ichigo and his friends living peaceful lives, provides a sense of closure and fulfillment. This ending, balancing action and resolution, leaves fans with a feeling of contentment and nostalgia.

1. One Piece: (Hypothetical) The Discovery of the One Piece and the True Freedom

Luffy (One Piece)
Luffy (One Piece)

Even though One Piece is still going, fans often guess how it might end. A perfect ending for this long adventure would have Luffy and his crew finally finding the One Piece and learning what it really is. This discovery could mean the ultimate freedom and achieving their dreams. An epilogue showing how their journey changed the world and what their lives are like after the adventure would give a satisfying conclusion to this epic story.


Looking back at these amazing endings, it’s clear that shonen anime knows how to create powerful and memorable conclusions. Whether it’s emotional reunions, epic battles, or deep reflections, these endings have left a lasting impression on fans. As we enjoy new anime series, these perfect endings remind us of the incredible journeys we’ve experienced and the impact of a great story. If you haven’t seen these series yet, I highly recommend adding them to your watchlist. Enjoy watching!

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